the Name of God in P RAYE R, 295 (hould come with a holy freedom, with the Spirit of Adoption to God, crying Abba, Father, if thou corneft to GodMealy as ---ao a judg ; though it's true, thole that do not know that God loves them, yet bound as Creatures to pray ; but thou canft never landifie the Name of God, till thou haft a Child-like Spi- rit, the Spirit of Adoption : the Lord loves to have his Chil- dren come with freedom of Spirit to himfelf in Prayer, to come as Children, and not to come withdejeded countenance-3, and difcouraged hears ; but come freely to open thy heart to God, as any Childwould open his heart to a gracious and-loving Father. ( Another difpofirion is Fervency in Prayer ; the effeCual fern. -Vim Prayer of a righteous man availeth much, and that will, be a means tohelp againft vain thoughts too : as when the Ho- ney is fcaldinghot, then the flies will not come to it : if thy heart- were as it were fcalding hot ipi player, thou would.elt not have fuch vain thoughts. Claiexc there mull beconftancy in prayer, in I Tbeff: 5. 17. by that I mean this, never togive over until we have that we pray for, or fomthing elfe in lieu of it : it may be thou haft prayed andnothing is come of it ; but be not difcouraged, thou haft to deal with a great God, and therfore pray again and again, and. again, and pray with this refolia ion : Well, let God do with me what he will, I will as long is I live call upon him, and if God (hall caft me away, yet he shall call me away calling upon. him, as the poor woman of Canaan when Chrift called her dog,, and difcouraged her, yet Ilia the at ill pray ; I but dogs may' have crurris : that heart is in an ill condition that is difcouraged, in prayer, hetaufe it doth not get what he would, and therefore to think thenatelves I had as good not pray at all , cake heed of any fuch thoughts. Again, If you would pray to God indeed, fo as to fans if his Name in Prayer, there fhould be humility in your hearts 10 s to be fenfible of your own unworthinefs. I fpake fomwhat a about being fenfible of the difiAnce between God and us, when I, fpake about fandifying of Gods Name in general. ' The laft that Ifhall fpeakof this is,, when you have done al this, al thefe qua.... lifications will not fandifie Cods Name, except, all be tendered Pia)