296 The right manner of SanElifying up in the Name ofJefus Chrift, and in the power of his merits : let a maniac woman pray with as much fervency, zeal, 'conftan- icy, purity, in truth and fincerity ; yet except he puts up all in theName of Chrift, I fay, he cannot be accepted ; ourfpiritual offerings mull be tendered up in his Name : tut I have preached ninth about that. Eut nowput all that huh been laid together, and this ic is to pray : That is, when as I pray underftandingly ; when I give my Telf to prayer, when there are the breathings of the holy Glaoft in my prayer, when there is purity of heart l'ke a golden vial, together with fincerity, when it is in truth of heart, when it is in faith, when it comes from a fpiritual Adoption, when it is in fervency, when in conflancy, reverence, humility, and all put up in the Nameof Jefus Chrift : now a man praies, as it is laid' of Saul, Behold he pray eth ; lo I may fay ofrhofe that are infiru- aed in this Arc, Behold they pray. You fee now that prayer is more than to read in a Book, more than to fay a fewwords ; ye fee it is a very hard t hing topray, a work ofgreatdifficulty ; and DO marvel though we have loll fo many of our prayers as we have done ; we mutt not chargePrayer and Godwith it, but look to our ,felves ( I mean, not charge the Ordinance of Prayer ) but the vilenefs ofour-carriage in our prayers ; and fetus for time to conie, know what a Chriftian lifemeans. Ir is laidof Chrift in Luke 9.29. that, as be ants praying, if"! fafhion of his counte- -nance was changed. Oh that's an excellent thing, that when we have been in Gut clofets at prayer ' to come away with out faces fhnitig : My Bi ethren, could we but pray in Loch a mariner as this is, the very fafhion of our coe:et-lances would be changed, as cim ofes when he came from thepretence of God upon the Mount, or as Chrift that had the fafhion of his countenance changed. 'Prayer, 'itis the fweet eafe of ones fpirit, it's the help at a dead lift, it's the great Ordinanceof our Communion with God in this world, and therfore let us learn this Art of fandifying Gods Name inPrayer. fhall concludeall in this, You have heard the Myftery of the )°- fanCtifying the Name of God in worthipingGod :. now I bekech you, you that have been a long time in the School of Chrift, as It were Apprentices toChrift to learn Chriftianity, be afhamed that