to we have a Scripture come as neer to it as any I know. And there wil I meet with the Children ofIfrael, and the Tabernaclejbal be fanaified by myglory, that's as much in dna, as I rvil befanEfi- fied in thole that come nigh me, in thofe that come toworthip me in my Ta',,ernucle, I wil be befanaified in all things that eoncera my Worfbip, I will be lure tobe fanatfied there. I roil befanff i_fled] I wil be tHailarreol, for it is the very fame that you have in the Lords Prayer, 'Hallowed be thy Nune) only that's the Greekworci, and this is the Ilebrepo : but if you would tranflate this word into qreek, you mull tranfla te it by the fame word that Chrifir fpake when he taught hs D iiciples to pray, Wallowed be tigyN,aine,Hallovaed and Sanaifiecl is all one. Lord let thy Name appear to be Holy : fo T rxil be Sanifified that is, 1 will have my Name appear to be Holy, I will be made known unto my people, and to all the world that I am a 'Holy God : that's the meaning of, 1 Will be Sanfttfied, I wil be knowu toall the world that I am a -Holy God. .And beforeall thepeople Iroil beglorifzed, fo it is in the latter part of theverfe, as if God fhould lay,1 account it to be my q/ory that I fhould be manifefted cobe 'Holy before all theworld. I rail beSandiffed ; that, is, I wil have my People to demean and carry themfelves fo, asto hold forth their acknowledgment ofmy Volinefl fo ' as by their.carriage I may appear to he a "Holy God. I will be San&ified by them, or otherwile it they than. not in an aliveway Sarafifie myName, that is, if they than not demean themfelves to as to hold forth the Glory of my (Holy- nefi, then I will be fanaified upon them ; I will demean and carry my felf towards them fo, as by my aions upon them, I -will make it appear what a clio/y God I am : So God is Sanalli- ed twowales, either by the clio/iYieg of his People, in their car- riage towards him holding forth the Glory of Gods ellolineff and fo in that i Pet. 3. 15. SanEftfie the Lord god in your hearts; the Saints do Sanalti,- God in their hearts when they fear God as a `Holy God, and Reverencehim, and love him as a holy God, and fo fanaifiehim in their lives, when their lives do hold forth ) theglory ofGods 'Holinefx, then God is Sanaified. But then if we do not do fo, then God faniffifies himfeif, that -is inwaits ofbidgment upopOiofe that donot in waits of Von- . B 3 nefs 5