Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

The Table. And what itfignifieth Page Page 9r Broken, fee Heart Angels, the aggravation of their fin. what kind of broken heart is required in 0 a 291 1 receiving the Lords fupper z55' Anger chrifil body broken for Anger not to be brought into Gods fey- us z6s vice 19 , Apply ire mug apply the Word in hearing it C 175 Children Gods Saints may meet with 4j-ill-lions Apotlafie, fee Sthiroz Apoilifie, the ground of it 106 in their children zo Affurance ' Ground of contentment in afilillions The Gojel gives affurance offalvation upon our children zi 21 z Church Attention Church, what it fign;fles 235 omit be given in hearing the Church de filed by wicked men unca1 Civil,e cfhei iWoribip 23 171 out 236 B Beginners Alt.worrhip ,snug be tendred in the Beginners, in Religion to be careful oft Name elf Chriff 9r preparation 56 All mug be tendredin Chilli becaufe of u j Gods llice o l3eleeving 101 Beleeving the condition of the covenant They that refeti the word, rejea Chrift ofgrace 232 zor Birds All our prayersmug be tendered in the wandring thoughts in prayer as the Nameof Chrift Command 296 birds to Abrahams far ifte z83 Blatt I Nothingmug be tendred toGod in wor- God blahs there men that fanaifle him 1 pip but what he bath commanded 3 not in worfroip "7 No expref? command for many things in God will bleat thole that neolea 208 the new Tegament sc. word 8 Comfort, fee Word Biers Communion - Many biers themfaves in evil Trail's Communion with God not encreafed 298 by duties done with natural cenrfcience To biers God for helping its againfi 88 wandring thoughts in prayer 289 The Sacrament the Ordinance ofour Blind Communion with chrig 229 Blind facrifice not to be offered to God The Sacrament mug be received in A 93 holy Communion 234 Blood How far the pretence of waked men /I fearful thing to be guilty ofChrifis hinder this communion 2.34 blood 2.30 No dole churchcommunion withwit- Beeathing, fee- Spirit I iced men 140 More ) .Attention word; 411110010.1000.0