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"' TILE TABLE. Page afore communion with Cbrig in the Sacrament than in the Word , Confeffion Ground ofconfellion t,o Gael 98 Confcience Sinners againIi conscience need great preparation to Duties 57 Vitties aged by natural confcience 88 Natural confcience limits it {elf in duties 89 Trouble ofconfcience Mould make men meekly hear the word 18o Confciences of wicked men troubled a., bout the facrament 23o Conitant Men, aged by Natural parts are not constant in duties 83 There mug be conflancy in our prayers 295 Contrary The word will be made good on the con- trary, to thofe that abufe it zo5 Converfion Converfion not wrought by the facra- ment ' 232 Covenant In the facrament we make a folemn Covenant zz6. Covenant ofgrace Pealed in the Sacra- ment 229 Thole that receive the facrament mug, be in the Covenant ofgrace 23 z Conditionof that Covenant ibid Renewing ofCovenant in the facrament 2,57 Crucified Chri0 crucified in the facrament 248 Curie They that negleg the word,, are nigh t o 4 curfe Curfing ofothers, finful 278 How far we may curfe the Enemies of the Church 28o 0111101.0 141103.1 .1womerT111011. D Danger, fee Dignity Dark, lee Mind. Dead, Death. Fear of :death taken away, how 38 we mkft ,not bring dead fervices and hearts to the living God .1,' , 97 Confciences of carnal men opened upon their death ird - Lig Death of 'Chrift to be meditated on in - thefacreiment . 165. Dear, fee Gory Delight God delights in our drawing nigh to him 37 Depart g .. ., To negleg Gods worfhip, is to&part from him 33 Dependance we ihsutd c ontinivally be fenfible ofour dependance on God 274 Defire I we mule hear the word with a defire after it 170 I),.vil Devil gratified by omiffion ofduties. 59 Vnfeafonable motions though materially good come from the Devil 8z wandering thoughts inprayer fUggeftrd by the Devil 286 Difficulty 1 Natural parts in performance of duties 1 . wit net carry through difficulties. 87 Not to be difcouraged. 'in, difficulties . confidering G ads power 97 'Thewprk ofReligiondifficult I0 Dignity, fee Prerogative The more dignity the more danger, 1z Dithonot -It were a difhonor to God to accept the I [emites ofwicked men 116 '.. Difpofiticn Inward diipofition in prayer 291 Divine, fee ServIce Doubt i The time ofreceiving the Sacrament on 1: time of doubting H h 254 ra Page