Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

- THE TABLE. Page Page We muff pray without doubting 193 Examination. Duty The holineie of a duty will not bear men " out in the mifcarriage in it 17 Omiffloh of duty will not fit for duty 58,11.3 The doing of one duty preparesfor ano- ther 60 Duties flat to be relied on 103,107 115 To be humbled for our befi duties All duties ofcarnal wolbipers loft i11 Sin of hypocrites aggravated by hold. duties ibid Examination required inpartaking of the Sacrament 233 Eye Faith as an eye to fee Chrig in the So- Crain lit 242- tiesammargrawie lomeIMIV E die °Preparation to make duties calk Eleetion, Evidence ofEleLlion End, fee Extremity Our ends muff be high in the woribip of God 72 Bafe ends ofmen in Gods worfhip ib. To have right ends a part of wifdom 99 Nis the nature of G od ,to yogi himfell the laft end 104 Engagement Engagements ofprayer-to be performed 293 Orreao... 0.1.vaa vosiewnws.,, 41...weasam F Faith, Faithfulnefs Faithfulnefs, of God, what it Po! aul teach as 102. Faith mull be mixed in hearing the riord, 177 iaith exercifed in receiving the Sacra- ment 2,52 Faith , 5'2 2,13 Envy, fee Mean Eternity, Eternity ofGod how to be confidered in our Worthip 94 Thoughts of our own excellency to be Excellency Cali efin Our roorfhip 85 Exemplary XxInplary judgments fhould make 114 look into the word how God makes it good 23 Extremity how to,aait in the Sacrament 271 We muff pray in faith: z93 Faculties All the faculties of the foul to be given up in praysr '285 Familiarity, fee Potent Drawing nigh to God breeds familiarity 37 38 13enegt of Familiaritywith God Falling away Falling away, the ground °fit 34 Fear, ree Publick what fear we mug have in Gods wor- fhip 78 in fear natural confcience puts on to duty 89 Fervency Fervency required r in prayer: Fire from Heaven twofold Fire that fkw Aaronsfons,what Strange Fire, what Folly To be afhamed of our folly when we come to God 99 Follow The foul is to follow after God as a 65 125 3 19 Men that regard duties only in extrenu- t 6 ad 1Y Make ekeinleille$ PAW end 77 _ Free, fie Grace Frimi