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THE TABLE. Friend, fee Word Page I friends, Who are'the belt sl oses.m.SMISM G Geiture Geaure in the Sacrament, not meerly indifferent 262 Guilty,fee Blood GraIlty confciences flee the worfhip of God, why 31 Guilt to be removed when we come to God 2.74 pray Tutees muff be performed to God as a God 23 Theword to be heard as the word of God 166 We are reconciled by the blood of that perfon that is God 2.68 Good Good heart, what r87 The word will be made good on the a- bufers ofit 207 We are to prayfor our own good 277 Gofpel Gofpel the Tenour of it 257 Glory Glory ofGod dear to him 7 Glory of God dearer to him than the lives ofmen a z Glory of God is the lure ofall his /ft- tributes together roz The naive Glory of God is the leasl honor he bath Glory of God in his word the greatefi x8. Phy God will be glorified in them that hear the word t 9 Thofe that will obey the word will be the glory ofthe Minillers 214 ts'e fhould have apprebendfons of Gods glory in prayer 275 The glory ofGod is the chief thing we fhould pray for 176 Spiritual things the glory of Page God 277 Grace Grace to be arted decially in Gods worfhip 29 Grace, the freenef? of it fhould make IS more diligent in the worfhipof God 34 Graces encreafed by drawing nigh to God 3S Graces to be aCied and girred up in the Sacrament 171 We mutt gel orir own graces in prayer to- gether with the ,9irit 2,9L See Covenant Great A people are great that have God nigh them 40 we fhould prepare to Gods worfhip be- caufe he is great 43 The Ditties of Gods worfhip are great 44 I How to fanaille Gads Name in nil e a of his grcatnefs 67 Great things to be expelledfrom God zoo We mull hear the word with attention, becaufe of the steamers of him that. fends it 172 we mull be attentive becatefe the mat- ters delivered are great 173 11.rwrow...e. opowswommor... ............"............11" 1-i Habitual Habitual fantlification 68 Harden i Kothing doth harden the heart more than the word by accident 205 Hand Faith is a hand to take chrift in the Sa- crament 253 The cup in the Sacrament, not to be de- livered into every particular hand 246 Heatt ale hearts naturally prepared for H h 2 duty