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T H TA13, Page duty, 46 The heart in; preparatio to be taken from everyfinfut way 49 As the heart as, fo are,t he duties 7o he hcart is not changed by the acting ofnatural parts 87 Good heart, what 187 Theword Of the Law not in the heart LIT et,brokeii heart required in receiving the Sacrament, 246 aring fantlifying Gods N,ame in hearing the frord. 161 Hearing the Word a-part ofGods wor- kip 161 liow to know. that God begs our Pray- ers, - 294 Heathen Heathens attend to worP2ip their Idols Heaven 46 Being, oft in Gods p) efince, minds us of Heaven 36 The worfhipof God here, the beginning of that in Heaven I os., Hide we ip(i- hide the word in our hearts Higheft x 8 9, what we lift higheft in our. woqb?p, I that* our G0.4 241 See Thoughts, Ends Hindrance, Hindrances in Gods woribip,niany4,6 Holy, HoliniCs kiplinefs- the greoteg. honOr of Gods.4 golinefs ofGad to be held "forth by his Name 23 fervants . - 24- °Drawing nigh to God;'rnakes Tiose.and Plficelod tobebOO,bero. ertodinfinite holy 99 more that receive* Lords Supper re0,17.0.01Y 2.32., 45* iwe mu]? receive the word into horiti3/4 hearts 18 . Page Handl heart, what Honea anima 117C7Ij >ho x88 289 Honor , To-quiet the heart in 4-ffiitiipn, is to know that God will have honor byit 1 : . z5 . 'Hu ble, Humbled, Hnrnility. Humifity of Os, it requilite in the wor- fhip of God 84 l To be humbled for not janclifying the Xame ofGod aright Humiliation in preparing to hear the word 163 wandring thoughts in prayer, fuffered by - Cod. to immblexi 285 humility reqUired in our prayers 2, See Wotihip Hungeing There mull be hungring after CIA; in. the Sacrament z5 I , mommoseveria wasimm., Incenre Incenfe, what it fignigeth Incomprehenfible Incomprehenfibleners ofGod, what it ihould teachits in our worthiP 95' Infinite ' There is an iMpregthi of Gods infinic- ners upon the duties of, his feivants Infirmities Infirmities ofothe'rs to be pAged by of thole that receive the, facrament 258 Iiifiriaiities how hetPtEd by the I)irit 91 Itiftitutionofthe ptcrakent to be kept' clore to z6i Ioteration spinet, Or iritentioxi Yega ed i s the 10410p.of God,