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Ii E TABLE. Paget Page The mercy ofGod fhould makeaes come The duties ofGods Children not lirni- to himwith joy 1 oo ted 65' The word to he received with joy 184 Little Difference in the joy of hypocrites and In matters ofworfhip -God (lands upon true chi i(lians 186 little things si piritual joy required in receiving the Lore Sacrament 255- Theground why we lofe fa many pray- e4 broken itirit may confifl with iiiiri- era Judg. Judgment Natural confcience makes not theheart sinners may meet with )udgtnents never threatned in the word r6 God is quick with fame in the way of his judgments 17 love a duly 88 The word mug be received with love 184 The sacrament ordained by Chrill cut judgments many times futable to the i of love 228 fins 18 Love to be renewed in the receiving the Gads judgments Many times invifible facrammt 2.58 z1 The infinite love of God Peen in the The ward of God (hall jialg thole that (Lath ofClorift 269 juttice 1. The wolhip ofGod not tobe fitbfeeted Ittftice of God feen in the death of to our z chrift 268 1 who they be that flibjell it to their hats abufe it 207 LUPC Ii . ............., ......w.ralegO4 ser*I.M.wwl0/... .12.01110.48.0' ......., .........,- ......s. * K M Khowledg Man Knowledg required in receiving the The Mediator between God and Man, Lords flipper 244 is Man 276 Knowledg an other points necerary to I Mean them that receive the facramest z45 '' Mean men not to envygreat ones, and Knowledg aCtual required in receivers why ' 13 246 Mediator Theway of a mans falvat7on is by a L , Mediator 267 Leaven _ , Meditation Leaven how cafe °tat the Jews 249. Meditation in preparing the heart to Life, Living ...holy - ditties 49., God's goodnefl in /baring our lives to Meditations in the receivingtheSaera- worfhtp him , 84 1 mew 297. That God is a living God, what it I MPekneCs could teach, ua 96, Thtwordmug. be received-with meek. The things delivered in the word ,con- 1 nefs 179, cernair lives 574 i Mercy, Merciful &Inver' no- urilheci to etinsallife 269 God is merciful too'. Limited, , Mercy of God ibilitd:teaib- us to be melcifdri ameamweror ,