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-------,---------- .[".HE TABLE. Page Merciful to others sot The duties of trorfhip, the way to con- vey Gods clooyce mercies so% The word a means to convey giecial mercies 195 Mercy- Sear Mercy-Scat a type ofC brig 91 Mind we fhould pick out Gods mind Pom dark exprTsons we come to know the mind of Godwhen we come to hear the word 163 My ftery The greateft tnyfieties ofSalvation pre- fented in theScrament 258,2.55 Mixture Mixture ofmans inventionswith Gods Ordinances unlawful 266 Mortification Mortification requifite to the fantlify- ii, ingGods Name 67 Mouth Faith the mouth ofthe foul to receive cbrift 554 N Name 20way toenjoy mercies, but byfanai- fyingOods Name sec Ste San&ifie Nature, Natural Some dutiesofwodhip are natural a61 Chri( bath honored humane Nature by taking it 2457 Neer, Nigh God wit be follified in thofe that come neer him 6 Thoje that are neer& God, fhould be moil careful In worPiping God we fhould draw nigh to him z6 In what regalt we drawnigh to God inworfrip 27 The wordofthe Goltel nigh Six See Grace, Delight) Adoption, Page Neglees Several forts that neglat to fanClife Gods Name in bearing the word 197 e Nourifhment j The Lords Supper an Ordinance ofOW- Ma nourithrrant 233 Beieevers are nourifhed to eternal life 269 Momamewoos Peon vsearawarerwe weskommemele.....x. 0 Ocnnifcienr what wefbould learn that God is Om= nifcient 98 Opening Ground of opening the heart to God 98 The heart mutt be opened to hear the word 17c Opportunity The happieft opportunity to fanttije Gods Name is in hearing his word 200 I Ordinance An Ordinance ofGod, what ? 163 The word an Ordinanceof God tocon- vey good toga 166 Men arenot to be forced to Congregati- ons where any ofChrifts Ordinances are wanting 2,37 The Lords Supper thegreat Ordinance appointed?, tolet forth Cbriffs Me- rings Own 348 We mug bring to God in hisfervice that which is his own 86 10.711111 101111111001111 P Parts How to know when men are aged by natural parts in Gods wodhip 8 Paffion f Paffion hinders the right bearing oftbe word 379 Wicked men in p4on rife ogainfi God a 8o PcittC , _ , _.,