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E TABLE. Page Page Peace offering fills 48 Difference between Peace-offerings and Preparation, the excellency ofit in feve- Burnt- offerings. 75 vcritl tkinEs 52. Perfon Thofe that walk clofely with God are God accepts the Perfon before he ac- 1 in continual Preparation 16 cepts the offering 69' Preparation, a fpecial duty ofyong be- Hace 1 _ginners ibid The Lord is very. terrible out of Ws holy I Good men grieved for want of preps. places- 18 I ration 58 God in his (Pala pretence in every 442,re there is fincerity, dutiesfhould-be place z6 done though there want Preparation 59 Preparation required in bearing the word 161 Preparation to be made to prayer .2,73 See Prayer, Great, &c. Prerogative Gods Prerogative appears moll in his ,rorfhip . u No Prerogative can jecure fromGods lir010, 12 Prefence PrefenceofGodevenin the godly, ter- rible towicked men 32, Pretence ofgodly men comfortable 35 co To fee Gods pretence before us in prayer Vnregenerate men cannotfattaifie Gods z88 - Name in Prayer 68 See Guilty we Pauld pray before we bear the word Prefent 17r When we woribip God-we tender a pre.; Of fanitifying the Name of God in Pra- fent to him 63 yer 272. Sin commitsed-longfirke to be looked on Prayerputfor the whol Worfhip of .God ! 45parent 94 - 273 ./". Principle See Preparation, Wandring. - . -, God looks more at the principle.of the Praife .. duty than at the duty 69 Gods ,Woribip muff not be fubjetted tol Good men look at the principle ofthe the praife of WS 73 things they enjoyfrom God. .. Prize 70 Preparation Preparation of the login the duties of To prize thole mercies we beg .inprayer Gods ;Porfbip 41 ' 175 Preparation and fantlification all one t Prayer to be highly prized 286 Promile Preparation- to Gods worfhto, why. ib 43 . Every Ordinance ofCbrig bath a 'pea--; Preparation, five things wherein it con- 1 albpromlfe 148 Publiciu-:. See Holy Plowing Plowing of the fallow ground of the heart, what 1681 Men may dofomnthat toward the plow- i ing of their hearts 169 t See Word Potent Familiarity with God makes us potent with him 38 Prayer Prayer agreat duty that needs prepara- i time Prayer required inpreparation to duties 45.'1