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THE TABLE. Publick Thofe that are in publick place, have efjoecially needofthefear of God 13 Pure We 1mA lift up pure hands in prayer Page 292. 1 111ftdie.P.Mallam- ..,,,,,,,,,................, Quell ions Two queflions God will ask his wor- pipers 87 Quick God to quick in way ofJudgment with (time 17 The Word of God is quick in working 196 Quiet The bell way to quiet the heart in afili- aion z5 B. Ready what will make the heart ready for du- ty 54 Readinefs to hear the word, wherein it tongs 166 ° Reading Reading not to be prefeedbefore hea- ring 167 Reprobation KatfanitifYing Gods Name in hearing the word, afign ofreprobation 202 Twofearfulfigns ofreprobation 203 Reign in Gods worfhip we muft refign all to God 90 Refolution we mutt bear theord with refolution toyield to it 170 Refolution wandri ng thoughts in prayer 287 toommeinwrowat 0!... Page Sacrament Sacrament, the meaning of the word 225 Sacrament apart ofGods wolhip 226 we mu( fantlifie Gods Name in recei- ving the Sacrament 229 Vimachy receiving the Sacrament fe- verely threatned zz8 How we fanCtifie Gods Name in recei- ving the Sacrament 291 whether Judas received the Sacrament of the LordsSupper z38 Safety Safety wherein it confals 38 Salt Salt of the Iacrifice, what it fignifieth 67 Sanetifie Sanaifie, what it fignifietb Gods Name fantlified two waies. ibid Gods name to be fandified when we draw nigh to him 4z How Gods name is fanetifiedin draw- pig nigh to ban: ibid How Males mutt be performed that Gods name may be fandified 62, The heart mull be fandified in regard ofGods greata4 67 Sandification, the parts ofit ibid SanEt ficat ion of the heart double 68 Sandifying of Gods name theonly way tofit au for mercies roc Exhortation to faatifie Gods name II; Nothing fan6lifled to them that do not fandifie God in his word 2,03 See Sacrament Satisfied Natural confcience is fatisfied with tittledug 90 See Sin Schifm S No fchifm to depart from a Church that Sabbath bath not at chrifis Ordinances 143 Sabbath, fee ftrength Saila), what ibid Difference