Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

THE TABLE. Page Difference between (chiral and 4po- afie ibid. Secret Men acted by natural parts are 710t en- larged in fectet 83 See The facrament fo to be delivered as all may fee what a done 262 Self Self 'tot to be our end in our duties 74 where fell is the highe(t end, God re- gards not the duties 75' Service Hearing the word is Divine fervice 164 1 Shadow Shadow ofGods wing, what 30 Shift I Of thole that atilt of the word, clofely applied 199 Silence Silence,, what 7 in The committing ofone fin preparesfor another 6o No falvation without fatiefyingfor fin 1°8 The heart mull bepurgedfrom fin to re- ceive the Sacrament 249 Matives in the Sacrament to abhor fin 2,50 Sin, the great evil of it 269 Singing Singing Pfarms in the time of the Sa- crament ;aft 285 Singing after the: Sacrament requiffte 266 Sitting Sitting at the Sacrament, the iftteft ge- Are 2063 soul The price of the falvation of a Soul 296 Spirit, Spiritual muf be, aged by 0;6104 itt. me, Page worfhip 87 God mull be wolfhiped in fpirit 93 Spiritual things may be abfolutely pray- ed for 277 How to know when the fpirit baps our payers 291 See Glory, fweet Strange, fee Fire: Strength Strength required in Gods worfhip go Strength required to 3jend the Sabbath al Natural confcience gives not firength to duty 88 we mull not come to duties in our own firength 11 Strugling Strugling alone again ft corruption oft, times enfnares itc 62 Subje&ion Subjetlion required in hearing the word 282, SufFerings The fufferings ofChria chiefly reprefen- ted in the Sacrament. 246 Ground offufferingfor Chilli 268 Superitition Superfildon, what Breathings .il Eatable, fee Judgment Sweet of the irit tweet 2.9z I ...ws T Table Thofe that come to the Sacrament[frostbite come neer the Table Tares 2,6L Taresi what meant by them lig Temptation. Time oftemptation, the time efayorihip 8r we mu f#' hide the word' in our hearts er- gain,41 temptation: 19z. Terrible, fee Pint i Tbankfulnefs Thanki