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THE TAE.LE. Page 'That kfulnefs required in receiving the Sacrament 255 Motives to thankfulners z 5 6 Time Trepanation makes its do much in a lit- tle time 5 z See Holy Thorns Thorns mil be plucked out ofthe heart when we hear the word 169 Thoughts In the worfbiping of God we mug have high thoughts of God 71 Wicked men have many times wicked thoughts in prayer 2. 8z Thoughts are to God as words are to men ibid See Wandring Tremble we (hold tremble at the hearing ofthe word = 81 Truth we muff pray in truth 292 Truth, what meant by it ibid mr.arm 4.111, . V Vain Where wicked men are willingly admit- tern() the facrament, Gods Name is taken in vain 241 Unchangable God is unchangable 96 Understanding We mull pray with underitanding t8o Uncertainty Thr righteoufneft of the Law leaves at uncertainty 2.12. *=wr.....ealy Wait tare muff wait Gods leifbre in regardof time 86 Ground of voiting fromGods eternity 95. Wandring Page Wandring thoughts inprayer 2.81 Directions againg wandring thoughts in prayer 2.86 All wandring thoughts in prayer ftnful z88 See Birds, Humble, Devil. Warrant, fee Command Watching Watching required in preparation to duty 50 Weaknefs God paces by weaknefs where tbrheart is prepared to duty Weary a man that makes binsfeqhis endwilt be weary ofduty 76 Wicked Wicked men are to be call oat, or with- drawn from, in the facrament 23'k Every man in the Congregation to look to the calling out ofwicked men 241 Ground ofexcluding wicked men 253 Will, Willing We milt be willing, not willwet:Pipers Ica IThiqs in Gods worfbip depend only Hp- onhis Will ii God requires that wewill ashe willed so+ Our prayers :mug be according to Gods Will viol Wifdom Wifdom ofGod, what to learnfrom it 99 Wifdom of God to be our guide ibid Womb Tbife that fanaige Gods Name in hea- ring the word, it to a greater bleNng thin to bear him in their Womb. 213 Word To comWfort afiiitledfriends fromGods ord 24 The heart mull be plowed by the Word 196 The Word sag begierift* 594 Word