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Page Word, whatjhould make as efieern it 186 The Word bath mud, of God in it 195 The Word a means to comfy fpecial mercies ibid The Wordwherein the arength ofit lies 202 411 the good in the Word for whom 210 The Devil gets advantage byfagging:II Wordsupon the good 244 The Word, in what reffrea above the Sacrament 251 TheWord ranaifiecl by Prayer 273 Wol fhip Diference between Civil things, and Gods Worihip 9 1(atural helps in Gods Worthip ibid wefhould be humbledforfalfe Warthip Page Worthip of God, what 1.7 I Woribip of God, the means to convey , his choke trin nes 18 1 To heed what we do in Woralita 32 Exhortation to be much in the Worfilip ofGod 94 Hearing the Word,a part ofGods Wor- ihip 'K2 What makes hearing the Word a Wor- iiiit) 163 Prayer put for the whol Worthip of God 173 Set Command, Litile,8ce. World in preparation the heart mutt be takes from the World 49 In prayer the heartmufi be taken from the world 17f Wrath I Preachers that reveal Gods wrath i 1110mittconceit their owns If FINIS. COLT; Book!