Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

Soo-kr printed by Peter Cole, Printer and Took-flier of London, by the cito,yal 'Exchange. Sit Sermons preached by Dr. i A Commemoration ofKing 0-bapis Hill. Viz. his Inauguration. In 3 Sermon, By s The Beauty and Sweetners of an ! FyjuiamLaud, then Bifhop ofCanter! Give Branch of Peace, and Brotherly bury. Accommodation budding. Abrahams Offer, Gods Offaring a Truth and Love happily married Being a Sermon by Mr. Hale, before in the Church of Chrift. the Lord Major ofLondon. 3 The Spring, of ftrengthenin Mr. Spurjtows Sermon, being $ Patternof R epenrance. England's Deliverance from the Northern Presbirery, , compared with its Deliverance from the Roman Pa- pacy. In a Sermon on the s of Nazi. 165 I. before the Parliament. By Peter Sterry. The Way of God with his People in there Nations. Opened in a Thankfgiving Sermon, preached on the y of Novemb. 1656 before the Right Honorable, the High Court of Parliament. By Teter Sterry. Mr. Sympfons Sermon at wamintler Mr. Feats Sermon before the Lori Major. The Bell and Worft Magifirare, By Obadiah Sedgwick. A Sermon. A Sacred Panegyrick. By Stephen Marjbat. A Sermon. Tha Craft and Cruelty of The Churches Adverfaries. By Mg tthew Neweenren. A Sermon The Magilirates Support and Bar- den. By Mr. JohnCardel. A Sermon. Mr. Owens ftedfaflncfs of the Pro® mites. A Sermon.. Mr. Phillips Treatife ofHell. of Chrifis Genealogy. The Caufe ofour Divifions difco- vereel, and the Curepropounded. King Cbaris his Cafe, or an Appeal An. Expofitionon the to al Rational men concernin& his Gofpel ofthe EvangeP tryal. ARelation ache Repentance and' lift St. L7klatthPw. Converfion of the Indians in New- -England :ZYtr, gad, itiao. Mr Cvace in the Rock of Ages Chart 4 The firength of the Saints to antke Was Chrill their firength. 5 The Belk and Wait of Paid. 6 Gods Eternal preparation for his Dying Saints. A Relationof the Bubadoes. AGodly and Fruit- ful Expofition, on the firm Epilile of Peter. By Mr. John Minifter of the word of God at Dedham in Effex. Mr kogers onNaaman the Syrian, his Difeafe and Cure : Dircovering the Leprofie of Sin and. Self-love ; withthe Cure, viz,. Self- denial and Faith. Mr. Regers his treatife of Marri- age. The Wonders of the Loadltone. By Samuel ward of Ipfrvicb,