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to God in Worthip. 5 wouis of Scriptuve for, you may run at your own peril into woful dangers, into woful fins know that God lath fo re- vealed a great part of his mind as it is only to be knowen bygo. thering one thing front another, and by comparing one thing with another. And God expects this from you, That if up- onexamination of Scripture that one thing appear more like. ly to be his mind and will than another 3 you are bound togo that way that is more likely. I told you before, That in mat- tersof Worfhip we mutt have warrant from the Word ; but it Both not follow, That we muff have a dirett ex refs warrens 1.4.Paitketial in every thing : s is tic-iiirWnes in force ind of pitture, t e great art, it is in the cat.} ofthe looks; youcannot foy,tes in the drawing of this line, or the other line, but altogether, it is the cast ofthe looks that caufes the beauty of the Pitture : So in the ipture, you cannot fay that this one line, or the other line, take it fmgle that proves it, but let them be laid all together and the re wil be a kind ofafpett of Gods mind, that we may fee that this is themind of God rather than the other, and we are bound to go that way. Now fo far Nadab and Abihumight havefeen,that they fhould rather have taken fireofftheAltar than any other Fire :Bur they prefurn'd becaufe they had not expreis word, and you fee it was at their peril. Oh take heed of ftandingour, and wrong: lin againft what is required, because you have not exprefs wor s ; the-Ledidhath laid' things 1-6, an3 eipeciilly in the New Teftament, for the orderingof the Church in the newTe- ftarnent, as you have not exprefs' Command for abundance of things, but fomecinies an example in fame things, and fume- timesnot a cleer example neither ; but compare one thing with c---Cee'-'r another, and that which feems to be neerefl the mind of God that fhould be bond enough to us, to tye us to go according to what themind of God feems molt Et9212t5 to be in the Scrip- itro64'4- cure ; and an humble teachable heart will loon be convinced, whenanother man will nor. We find it cleerly, That fuch things that are molt futable to mens own ends, a little matter will ferve the stirs to periwade men to it, though one might argue againft it : I could eafily (flew it, but that I think it not fo convenient in Pulpits to tnefidel