to god in Worfhip. when youcome to have Servants they w ill be fo to you ; and perhaps you were unfaithful toyour Governors, afterwards when you come to have fervants, it's a thoufand to one but they will be fo to you. Now you fhould ftrike your hand upon your heart and fay, It's juft with God that it thould be fo, and that He fhould come uponme in my own kind. Another Note is this,They offeredftrangefire. Let'f take heed all oftill how we bring ftrange Pre intaqodf service. Bring ftrange fire into Gods Service, 'what's that I find divers Writers fpeaktngupon this,faith .Ambrofe, and Covetoufnefs are this ftrange Fire. That which I would have you confider of, is this, Above all ftrange ire. take.heed of the itrange Fire of paffion and anger ;" and eipecially in the wor- fhipof God ; and at any time when you find your hearts heated and fired with Anger, when you are about to worfhip God, n- member thisScripture,Wadab and Abihuwere confurnedby god With firefromgod, for coming intogod' pretence withfirange fire : Now, 0Lord, how often have we come into thy prefence with ftrange Fire I Perhaps your hearts have been burning hoc withpaffion when you have been coming into Gods pretence: You are to pray with fervency, for fo the Scripture faith : we e indeed tobe heat in prayer, by the holy Ghoft in our hearts, t certainly not tocome with the fire of paffion and anger : Lift upyour hands without wrath and doubting. If you have been paffionate, and your hearts have been heat that way, be Pure you get your hearts cold before you go to prayer. And to whenyou come to hear the Word, if your hearts have been heat with paffi- on, be lure youget them cold before you come to hear the Word : qieceive with meekneff the engrafted Word that may faiveyour foulf. And fo when you come to the Lords Supper, Take heed of coming withwrath and malice, for then you come but to offer ftrange Fire. It is a fpecial Confideration for Miniffers that come topreach, they thould takeheed of bringing ftrange Tire into their Pulpits ; that is ' ofventing their own paffions That bath been ever a Rule thatI have been convinced of flue I knew any thing of Preaching That that man, that is appointed to reveal Gods wrath, had need to conceal his own wrath : that's C- 2 ter 19