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24. The netmanner ofdral)ingmg'h God(lands upon nothing more than to appear 'to all the world tobe a Holy God, there's theglory of Gods Name in an eminent way, God dothnot fo much 'land upon this to appear to be a firongGod, to appear tobe a powerful God, to be a God ofpati- ence, longfuffering, God doth not fo much fluid to be an Om- nifcient sod, though thefeAttributes are dear to God, but that he may appear to be a (Holy God : that he ftands upon. What- ever glory of the Name of God, that God (hall be content tohave ecclipfed in the world for a while, yet he is refolved he will have the gloryof his Holinefsabove all things : and therefore the An- gels when they are celebrating the glory of God, they do not fay, Lord Almighty, Almighty, Almighty, or Lord, Omni- fcient, Omnifcienr, Omnifcient ; but 'Holy, 'Holy, Thofe three together, the Holinefs ofGod, therein appears the glory of Godabove all : God ftands upon it that be will appear to be a HolyGod. Oh that thofe who profefs themfelves to be the Servants of God, that they would efpecially endeavor to hold forth Gods Holinefs ; you that are neer to God, you that hope you are Gods Children, and make profeffion of his Name, labor you to hold forth the glory ofhis Holinefs above all things, in your holy lives and Converfations : for God hands upon this, To have his Name to be Santtified, I wil be Sanctified, faith God, and I roil beglorified, fohe doth interpret the glory of his Name by beingSanctified.. As if God fhould fay, That's the glory that I look for, That myNamemay be extolledas Holy : And thereforethe very firft Petition that Chrift teaches us to pray in the Lords (Prayer, is is, 'Hallowed be thy which is all one with this, SanEiified be thy Name ; Oh let the Name of God ap- pear to be holy in the World : that'sanother-Note, that thefe two are joyned together, ll'ebe SanEfified in thofe that draw nighme, and 1 will beglorified before the (People. Again obferve, That it is the part oftrue friendfliip, to help friend' in their difireffes, andfeekto comfort themfrom the Word. Thoughweour (elves be in ailittions, yet we fhould feek to comfort our friends that are in greater affliaions, and to comfort them by the Word, for fo did 'Mole": %Lief comes to comfort Aaron, and applies the Word) This it thatvphich the Lordbath