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to Goct in \Vorfhip. faid, I roil be SanEtified. Now mark; no qneftion Mies was afflided upon this heavyhand of God, for he was their Uncle ; but though it was heavy upon the Uncle, yet it was heavier up on the Father, and therefore though 'Moles was troubled, yet heknew that Aaronwas more troubled, and therefore he goes to Aaron, and leeks to comfort him, and he makes ufe of this Word in his comforting of him. Learn this then, to go and comfort your Brethren, for Aaronwas 'Mops Brother ; Go and comfort them in their affliaions, and think not becaule that you have fome afflictions upon you, that therefore you fhould not be a comfort to yoer brethren : their affitttion is greater thanyours, andwhenyou come to comfort them, come not in a meer carnal way, and fay, Brother thou muff: be content : but you muff come and apply fomwhat of the word of God to comfort them, and fay, This is that which the Lord bath fliol{e ; and-to that endyou ihould labor to be exercifed in the word of God, that fo youmay be able to go to your brethrenand corn- fort them in any affliaion ; for there is no particular afflittion, but there is fome word of God that is fumble to that particu- lar afflittion, and thofe who are well exercifed in the word of God, they can apply fome word to every afflittion : And indeed this is an excellent friend and fuck a friend is worth his weight in gold, that can come to, another friend in any aftlidion, and evermorebath fomwhat ofthe word ofGod to apply to that Alf- etion. The laft Obfervation is this, That Aaron heldhis peace. From.whence we may Note, That there is nofuch way toqui, et agraciows heart under anyafiliEtions in theworld, as that God willfetch out rflis (Honor by it. It is grievous tome, but God fetchesout His Glory, arigio- nor by it The applying of the Word, and the confided that God bath his way to fetch out his glory, in our ,afflidions the only way to quiet a gracious heart. All thefe Points might take up a great deal of time, but I will let them pals, and come to the main Point of all, Iwill be SanEtified in thole that come nigh me. Thereare thefe Three Points in thefe words. Firft, That in the Worpipof qod,men andwomen drawnie o Coda. Secondly,