to god in orfhip. 27 to watiliip him, and in this refpea the Servants of God inPP/. 143.14. are laid to be apeople neer to god. It is a very remarkable expreffion, and Pets forth much the honor of the Saints of God There's thecommendation ofthe excellent eflate of the Saints. 'He alfo exalteth theborn of his people,thepraifeof al his Saints, even the childrenof Ifrael, apeople neer unto him. The Saints of God, theChildrenof Ifrael, theChurch of God, are faid to be a people neer to god ; Why neer him ? Becatile that they Worfhip God, they are much exercifed in theWorfhip ofGod. This is one refped though there maybedivers others mentioned, yet in re- lima of their coming fo much before God in his Worfhip, there- fore they are neer God. Quell. Neer him ! Why, in what relpeffs may a man befaid to drawnigh to godoohen be Worfhips him ? .Anfw. To that I anfwer, There are three refpets in whicha man when he is Worfhipping God may be laid to draw nigh to Clod. Firft, Becaufe when we come to Worfhip God, we come to tender up thathomage and fervice unto him, that is due from us asCreatures to the infinite Creator ; that's the very end of Worfhip. Ifyouwould know what it is to Worfhip God, it is this : You come to tender up that homage and refpea that is due - from the Creature to the Creator. Nowwhen a Subjed comes to tender up his homage to his Prince,- he comes towards him, whenhe doth it immediately Sowe have none to tender it up. by but Jefus Chrift, and when we tender it up we mull come our felves too, for Cbrift doth not take our fervice and tender. it up toGod and we beabfent, but we mutt come with Chrift, andChrift takes usby the hand and fo tenders it up to the Fa- ther while we are in pretence, fo that we are faid to come nigh to God in that refpea, becaufe of-the immediate tendring up of that worfhipofours toGod ; I call it immediate in relpea of any Creature: But in refpeaof Chrift, indeed he is a Media- tor todo it, but yet he cloth it in a fpiricual way, and we have todo with none but God through Jefus Chrift in the tender- ing up of our worfhip to him : We may make ufe of an Infti- tution that God hatbappointed, but we do not tender up our wotfhip: