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to god m Worfhip. 39 trouble is neer us. Trouble is neer many of you, perhaps ther's nor a fpans breadth betweendeath and us, what a bleffed thing is is then tohave God to be neer us ? VVhen the poor Chickin r ,c fees the Kite comeneer to feizeupon it, and is like to be furpri- zed ; if the Hen be neer, it runs to the Hen, and the Hen covers it and keeps is fare So it Ihould be with us,for fo Chrift faith of Jerufalem, 'How oftenvoould I havegathered thee as a 'Henga- tbereth her Chickini ? There are a company of Kites abroad inc theworld, and we are poor fhiftlefs Creatures; now how hap- py are we then if we can run under the fhadow of.Gods wing There is a kind of fhadow in thepretence of God in the enjoy- ment of the creature ; but the thadow of God that we have in his VVorfhip chat is as the fhadow of his Wing. There is a fha- dow ofa Tree, and thatmaylelp from tome kind of troubles but flier's another manner of thadow under the thadow of the wingof theHen, becaufe chat nourifhes the Chicken : The men of the world they have the fhadowof the Tree,_ as it were, Gods: general providence which is over all creatures ; but the Saints of God that draw nigh-coGod, theyhave the fhadow of Gods wings like the fhadowof the Hens wing to the Chicken, whichdoth comfort it, and fafe-guard it. Let us by theduties of VVorthap thusdrawnigh toGod, and keepnigh unto Him. 44.......4744.444,444447.44.444-44.e., SERMON II L. Levitices, to. 3 Iwill be Sangfified in them that come nigh me. 4+04444 VV I L L only add one Particular more to what we laid the laft day, and then pro- 41. 1 46. teed. 4.4. If in the duties of Worihip,- we are nigh w #4.44.4+++ God, then hence appears the great Honor. 44.44.*** that God puts upon His Servants that do Warfhip him:: Certainly theVVorfh /ppmof Godhave pat Honor put upontherns becaufe the Lordvouch- fafe.v,