74 The rtgbt manner of dedving nigh caufe holy duties are good before Gods Saints : Gut takeheed that this be not thy higheft end that thou aimett at, and that whichcarries thee on in the work, meerly to get the praife of men, and that they than think that thou halt good gifts and parts, and therefore thou art inlarged in that regard - takeheed of that ; know,that now thoudatanot worfhipGod, but thou worth ipeft men,thoudolt make the praife ofmen to be thy God; For whatfoever thoudolt lift up in the higheft place, that's thy God, whatfoever it be ; therefore if thou liftett up the praife of men, and makeft chat thy end, thou makeft that-thy God, and fo thou art a a vvorthiper of men, but not a worlhiper of God. Thirdly, Take heedofmaking Self thy end ; there are fome that are not fo bale and low in their hearts, as to make the praife ofmen their ends But they aim and look at themfelves, that is, theyaim at their own peace, and fatisfying their own confci- ences in the performance of duties ; now though it's true, when we perform duties ofGods Worthip, we may expelt to receive form good to our felves, and we may beencouraged to the Du- ties by the expettationofgood,toour felves ; yet we mutt look higher, we muff look at the honor and praife ofGod, that the Name ofthe bleffedGod may be honored : Now I am going to Prayer, 0 that I may pray fo, as I may lift up Gods Name : I amgoing to-Hear ; Oh that Imay hear to, as God may behono- redbymy hearing ;.'cis this that carries -me on tohearing the Word, and makes me rife readily, and togo forthcheerfully ; I hope that God may have fome honor by my hearing this day, and God knows that this is the thing that I aimat, I do not come for company, nor to be feenof men, neither doI come meerly to fatisfie mine own Confcience : Others go and hear fuck Truths.of God as do.good to their Souls, and if I fhould neg.. lei them meetly for mine own cafe, my Confcience would not let me bequiet ; howfoeverthere are many whofe Confciences will be quiet enough, though they lofe an opportunity in the Worthip of God ; but yet there are otherswhofe Confciences cannot do fo, their Conkiences would tell- them when they are lying and turning themfelves upon their - bed, How do you know but that God had . fonaechiug to fpealC Ito thy heart this morning