Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

MQ.fes his S,elftftdeniali. 8J have been ID gnifici.bJ!. WM, butJlOW · ,You IiiYcmagn,iii~d his gre!:lt .aQ~J.Q~ !ious ~me :_'"!:!£~£L.:wiJI nrJt ttlvtJtil~iJtthoG , 4. 1Math, ti-le remembrance of all ftnfull delights will bee bitt~rer then gall to you, when the~~ccou~nt~ o(.;J,ll . ysur hof!ottrs, riches, a.nd pl~afores. !h~JJI becalleq.for, haw tb~y have beeoei!Il- f · 'f' . proved for..God: If you cannot then · :A.<) """' make your accounts even' · eirher by · lhewing how you have imploied thefe talents, or _by bringing in an acquittance, and pard,on, bought with chrifts ..fl!.!!.~hicboprecious bloud, and fealed to you by 1lorant, ibi h . h l S . . d. r:: onerant. IS o y ptrtt', you are un · one ror ever~fo that now thofe things wil prove - your burdens, that here were your delights and honours : what will it tb~n profit you to hav~ ~ be~ne g,o~our4ble and ric'h in th~ W orl9, (lnd have no~ rh!ng left ?~t guilt~!!Jou~_cqgfc~nces, ~G~>asy•fee~eeme . ~f fOU. ! _what good thallyour paifed pleafures bring · t~you, ~her.Ulk¥ h~vea~.~nd2~c~ you and nothmg.re.mai~es bu,\ P.O~IutiO.fl and · fi ~h. upol!..Y.. our foule~ , an~ the jufi .wrathoi God wiiom yQu.havedifplea- · ~ed, by pl~aling yourfelyes in thofe G 3· · pl~a-