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, 86 \ __ Mofes ~iJ Selfde!JiaO., \ pleafures 1 or what will ir profit you to . have gained the;whole world, and ~to luye loll yorir ow~fou]es ~ .• I I have read of on~ Franciftti XaveriUI , who writi~g to :John rhf< ~hhd, King :cf Portug4l, gave this whoHo.me coun- . fe Jlto him, that cve~y ·day, for a quarter of an houre, he,would. medirareof tb.afdivine fentence, What fb~H it profit a man·to win the whlltw(Jr/d, and to lofe his ~wiie{onte ~ .. ana that he would feeke of · ·<:;oo · th'e~ right · unde1 flanding of rh is, that he mrg_fit-be fenfible of ir, and that he would' m·ake it the dole of aU his prayers, tne ;repetition cJf thofe words · · wh~ttjb40i~proftttiman, &c. How happy counfdl'would this be for all our ' Courticrsa·n,d·great men,i~ it - ~ih~t be fol- / lowed · ~ \yhenyouh~vefpent all your ) eLlatesrand iinproved ,you 'r pbwer onei }ly u~n -. linfqll waies, i.o f~tisfie the . . \lufl:s of-y9ur owne hearts, when thefe , ·!hall bee ~aken·fibm you;· or you from I . ' them,;wi~Ff~~hat 'c~nfi. ence can Y9U . ·loukeup to1Go tor tncrfy ~ dothtt .. . }(Ot c;9me Iiom_:lgy;. ~lj9.ilg l.ts· o~_G~ : .and wa'nt ofin~ ~ feare"of hls great ar1d dreadfoll~iffie ;~for'Jon"'ro ~rhinketo _· ,. :""' , · · · -~:._ . · · ; · . fpend_: