Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

100 Mofes hi$ Selfe-dtniaU. fweet ofpleafur~s. As on the O'nefide, thofe who are in afflictions, and h:tve their fpiri~s fink under them, they think within themfelves, Jet men talke what they will, if they felt what I doe, their fpirits would link as much as mine; fo on the other fide, theywha enjoy the fweet of profperity, they think,tet men fay what they will, if they had what .. we have, they would prize it and de· light in it as much as we. ,Here then is the true and rea!l honour, when a man is in the height and top of all pro{ periry, yet then he can be abov~ all, then he can trample upon all: It was thus wich Mofes; it was thus ·b ~ - with Danid;ithath been rhus in many Lt .t .- 'ap. :.. worthies gf the Lord. rincentius re. ports of one Eu.fl~ehim whom Trajant .had fent againft the Barlntria»s, and be having got rhe victory,returned home; the Emperour being joyfull goes to 1ncet him, and brings him in glorioufJytothecitie: now was atime for Euftochitn to enjoy the favqur of the Em- ' . peronr, and what he could de tire; but at this time, this v~ry da}', relufing to facrifice with t.he Emperour unto At , . ,,u~ . -- ------·----~----...,-----