Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

t _. Mofcs 'his Selft-deni~tll. J07 I . . , · ic mttfi·coft him deare; but thcug h all the delights of the world be proffereq~ · yet where the.re is po~~rful ~race ,the)i are rejeded. _ · · · · · ' · · It is a {lrong fioma~ke that can dif. gefl: much fat, much honey, and fw~et ~ings, that ufually clog wcake ilomack~ ; (o it is a firong fpiric that is not ouercome with the fweet of much pro. fperity. It argued, there was much - powerinthe ~~th that Sttlfl caqfed his . Army to take, I S,am..r4.26. not't~ ~At~ •n~ thin~ that d~ty~ ~hen tho~~h' they betng famt for want of me'Jt~ and,yet comming through aWood, whet~ ho.. ney dropped from the Je~vcs before them as they weQtl yet none' dared t9 top<th one drop: ~o here, when men are compaffed about with all Cfeligbcs; and they are Bclh and bloud as weii as others, and they finde the temp~atio~ ~ come ftronglyuponthem,yetthrougb the affittance o(the g~ace of God they can abll:aine; this is agreat honour to . grace, and arguing much power in it. Fourthly, if is a rellimony of deare love ro the Lord,ro deny ones felfe for . ; his fake, when one is in the bigheft 'o'f ·· · · enjoy- ·