Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

11 the lltddtr. -------------- ---------- ~i;ze ilieuld purge our: thy feU-love, a1;1d cake away LiotuUy humours1 to {ave thy foule, It is his ayme toJG:.· n:hc~ good ~ follow ius coun~ fd~ ~nd thoo fiulrt1ev~r be troubltd wich foul ftcknet1e• . It is oar finfull f~Jf-fcekiog~ that breeds all th~ diftempers ofour fpirits. Let ~s . deny our felves , and thc:n wee are aS God would have us eo be; we iliall make high account ofGod,- andfinde greac fweemtffe,in: the things of God.. They toat taG moll, finde the ~rdl fw«tnttfe in their m~at : Agd . thofe that are the greatt'fi: fdf-dcnyers, finde the greatdl com:ent. in God, and moft bieffings · /fDm GoJ. lhey :ueever in the vAlley of Be- , rACbah, ir.i the place of ble.ffings '!!nd reft : And what che Prophet crowns rrue fafting withall, . the fime wJ.ll God t-rown fdf. denyall withaU, 1e&ro& 1(t1,gltUlnefe,andctlearfull ft4ij}U;g. SQllU:- 20.1.6. Zlch.B.I_9'. •• r • f