Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

\ 114 \ Faci.zmut \ ~mni.z babe- \ at profrera, I , calJmitari• bU5 cum d. I ptccato tum re'!.l,ecabo. Notenpon t~K p.ace is, I wtll.caNJe thAt he Jlr.t!J b~ve Atl things pr~fterom, I wiB nfJt cttU htm from ftn 6y Ajjliflion. There bave bc~n many who have held out a loqg timdn fufe~ing,and y.et afcer have . falk~ in profperity) when the World h~th fhined on them flatteringly : but w~cre have w.e any example of any, who hav.e denyed themfelves in profpe· dry~ that ever failed in the times of adverfie-y; . " Eighrhfy, _thh .upbra.ides thofe who 'qoe greedily embrace the things of the world, and think that it i:s-impoflible for ~ny to deny themfeive.s in fo great de lights as they doe enjoy: as , .JI4ttk wonders, tbatupon offers of fuch great· prefetmenrs,as he offered unto BAI.t4m, he came nor to h'im, bee thought it im· pt>ffible, th1tthcre iliould be: an'y man in the world thlt would not be moved with fuch ap a.rgumenr as that was. So bafe covetous wretches, and ambitious men:, that 1 ove theil' honours,and thofe that follow ztfter their adhly pleafures, thev thinke all the world are "of their mi~d~, if rhey had the like opportuni-~ ies they would doe as·they doe. Nero 1t who: