Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes ~i4 ~elf-Jeni~O. ---.-~- ~ifthly ~if you i'n the fulnefie of at\ your earthly contentm~nts fuall ac- .know ledg~ Jefus Chr.ift, and be wifling . ~Play down all for htm, \V hen he fhall : come in t~e fu_ln~ffeefhis glc>ry h,e will , a~~OOW ledge you, and Wtll pUt glory : upofl you, when he {hall corn: with his {nighty•Apgels full of~ajdlie, to bee admire~ .of his Saints; then he fual own you ~ • :and 'f:Q:ake y~u partakers of his , ·owne g(qry;f bee will then remember : everycqp, of cold )V~ter given for his names fake; much more then the giving · h1mthepraifean~ honour of fo much in the thing5 of the ~orld as you have enjoyed, T.he being inaqe partaker of t~e fu~ne:ffeot Chrifis ~op.our .in that day wlll then a t~oufand · t1mes· re.com~ : penc~ thee~ptytog of,your fe~ves ·o~·a· ~ ny fulneffe. ot out.ward ~ontennl:'ent~s in the creature you have had here.·1 · . . ~ Sixthiy... , it eve~ Y<?~ fh_o~ldliyc~o . come to_a·ny aav~rfi1y 1~ thts world~ ure y1,t wHJ ~F 1\}~ch.f~eetn~tQJ:ou, , ~u..be ~illJ.Pg.togive Ggd ~Jlo •. · n . ofth~ (wstf P.to[p.~r·ry · :_ .!hough .tQv rfitY.Q¥Y co~e ye.t . ~td_,\yjJl!ke"p t.Q~p~t~Jlle'tl~of ttfr.om,.l'ou; 1(y.ou fo: _ w • know·