Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

·I 24 · Mofes hU.Stlft-deni•O. that this is the end why Godhath ~iven you an abundance· of the1e <:Jutward things f:nore then others~ whaE ~ did God:aimeat no higherertd the ' this ~- is .- the~e nootherwaywhereby :,;\lmay bee more glorified by tba! ]OU IJ ve '! will i,t rejoyce your hea·· s ~er d"cr to ll re~~qef w~t yt l#' ha it: . 1 e! how many" ate there)' 'wh ha re their hearts {o 'glu~~ to the comforts o· ..1 cre3.rure t~lat ~J1~y ~pjoy· , tb~t they nad ra!'hc r venture .· fo part wtth God ~nd ·confcien~e, ~nq tpofe bleffed things they heare . ~f Cqrift, aqd ot eternity, then ventur~ thf lolfe of thefe prefent de- . ligb'ts~ thait~ey fee \>eforethem;as that proppane: pukeofB,urhon in Franoe faid , he w4i4ld 12:rit gi~~ .~~part in PAriJ, for bil part:i!' P41~di[ez 'wb,at more apparent ar- · gurrient can there be, that you have thefethingsas your portion i~ this life'!, you are never ijk~ ~~ haye a?y other good from God. · · · · Yea acertaine argument it .is3 that all thefe things are for the prefentcurfed to you, you have them with much wrath minglei with them; you may b lefs your felves in your way,.. but you are moft la men·