Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

-~------~~----~----~---~---- Mofes his setfe-tlet~iali. - -- pleafetocalltort~c:micany fcif~dt>ny-. ingway,lethim.hayethem: TheLor& fa yes ·,o you concerning thc;m,a$ Chrift ro Peier, Loveft thoN_ mee mote then the(e ~ fo ioveft thowmeemore then all thofe ~ · delight full thi~gs you enioy c: how bap~ : py you, if you canupon due. examinltl~ . on 0~. your htarrs, give .in th~t anf wer t~~~. Pey~ ~id) ,?ora thDu kno~eft th~t I ~ lltf{e/~e~, thou. k~wefl thAt ll~vt theu ·.. . 111_~r~;~h~~ ;Al! thefe , ~.~ings !: they are g?od . t~tng~. ~~ tqemtelves ;, ~ut th~u an mfi- / r,!c~ry m;~!e ,;o ~~e~ thy praife, an<! thy · bon<tur, ts. '.!· t~oufand ~. houfan~ time,~ .' more to m;_e . ~henaJlthefetbings;Lord, . . ehl~ 1t,hit .~n9w~~ {,.a!! ~h!, :r s, . ""'"'4 . thiitthus Ilr/ve ~hee·more then t/.!tfe. . . ' It may he ,God sives. abundance , of . thefe things. to tr.y Yt~u,to fe~ ,yqJlat is.in : your hearr: a,s .SA!~o/qn.fay_\Sofpr1ift, ir · ·is as the ftni'n"g pot itit~e {jlv(r..; ! [.o iq~'!Y be f~i .i ofall oun~ard:prqfpeFity, tha~ i t: · is as thefining pot tll-theftlvtt' .;;to dJfcov.er . \Yhat qroffc: .there. i~ in it: ~ow ~.9U try- · aU ~al it ~e fo~n<i_t~at tbef~ tr4pgs (layj ~ q~or~ of thy keJn1 en en Goa hu11~d{~! 1 .i,fyou had a he~·r~ to cleny y911r fdfe_in' ! thefe things·now .. w·hile yo~ ma"y'injoy r ~ • l . • ,l _ . ·.· t1lem , ___ . .,... .., , .... _- ... _