Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

:rh, m ~c the height though i~ m:).y fee me that HlU(h_<;p~fQf_ aQc!Jwestnes is (~ft,. i h~c"'Jl;g~t be h~ad ye~ in trl!t~ there js nO: t lioalolt.np n9...tfo~the prek:nt;forxntbe -vere~c.ercife offdf-d~eaial in them,yoti' ' \:\?il find more: fweernes then.ever W .iS)or lm jol>.c felt in t6e _enjoyment Qfthtm. . Th~ re is nothing more pleafanc to :mthen COg( t vrdory;tO get vifrory in' l f P· ~re~, to get vi dory over rho cream re, is f .. ll of del ght~to g(' t viel:ory_over out enem ·es, hathmorc delight in. it; but to gervidoryover our f.Jves,tobeable ro overcome.tmr felvu, ha rh the greatdl:delig ':t.of;;ll in it, dpecially when it is for God ; no fuch fwret·H.ife ;s this is ro t'Je fp : ri~ of a.man. Th~fe 9oe not enjoy muftcomfort of thdr hv(S) who are mad upon th :: ir owne wils and ddires, arid cannot endure to have rheirmindes crolfed in any thing; bu·t thofe l1ave rhe greatdl: comfort, who are able to deny themfelves 'moll:,and'it may b= you may enjoy ail the outw~rd comforts you _ have, nevetchddfe; the more willing you arc to deny y~ur fd ves in them, th ~ longer you may enjoy them: to h~ve a heart willing eo part with them) may he K. the