Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

\ 130 - i·,....___._. \ . I . I \ ' ! I \ . f I I \ \ / Mofes hil SelfdeniaU~ the onel y way to keepe rhem, and to be furc while you have them, ·you fnall en-· joy them ih a bett~r manqer, wirh more comfort then aoy other cn\oy that that they have,whilfi your heart in the midft of them., is more upon God then upon them·, they that willlofe their lives,and fo their eftates, their honours and de- · . light\ih tll fave them;oh how r weet are al outward blcffings, when wt have laid them d~w.neat Gods feet, and he gives I us themagaineto enjoy. · Whereas on the contrary ,by the gree.. dindfe of your h{·arts upon them, and unwilliogndle to part with them, you ·may have- them rc·ru away from you ·in wrath, !o that you tball not c:-njoy the comfort of then1~ at"ld yet you may perith .for ever, for that difiemper of heart, in the inordinare fc:tring of it upon them: Many perifP in their inordinate alfcttions towards outward things, and yet 1 1have ~hem not,othe-rs have the comfort and blefiing of fcHewdenyall,and yet en· I joy their outward conrentments to the fuH: Oh how much better is it that when we are at the hetght of our pro• fperity, then ~o get our beans to fall., · and --------~- .......... - -------