Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes hiJ Selft-dent4ll~ able to bring upon it. How cafi.e is it for a rna,n to dtfpife the World, w·hc:n faith gives him a deare fight of god~ Ifoi. 4-o. 5,6. The Text faith,Tkegtoryofth'e L~rtljbaU bertvealetl; and then the voyce faid,-Cry, all flefb is grAffi,•ndaJt the '<oodlir;tjfe thereof is 'M the f/(Jwer ofthe·field; end veJf. 7 .. the latt~rcnd, Surelytfle pei ple u gra(Je. , When the glory of God ;:ppeorcs, tpen ali .1Idh., and all w"orfdly glorx, is but as gratfe, as the Rower ofthe field, as a cp.tnemptible riling. . · ThirdIy, faith di.fcovers tl>le reality of . I the beauty and excellencie of fpirituall.;· {up~rnanirall,and eter~all things reveal- j · ed 1n the Word, wluch be~ore were looknl upon as notions, cor.ceits, and imaginary things. In the firfr verfe of this chapter, faith is faid to be evidence ~fthi1Jgs not foene: the word there tran:- . Jlated tvidenet, fignifies the dt'1nonfira~ tion that convinces the {oule thraugh1y of the certainty and truth of fuch ' things,as by reafonand naturall parts are not fc:ene. And againe, it is the fohflance · {)fthi,gs h~ped for: thtt word i~ very fignificant in d1c 0 rigin~ll;it is that which gives