Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

143 ~ivesa_(ubJ~ntiaUb6Jig. tqt~}e thinos .~f ;~~~:; eierna hfe: no"Y-w,h_s:n Y!th cg_rnes 1nJ.z ftabilitatem I ~- ~ - g .. . ori~~s . ':'. __ .Y__ (l.~.ti(!~ . Qt ~b.~ G?fe_ el, ;:;;:t.e~~ .t_,eJllg9 - ~rtvlte~ _c o£t ·godly, ~he certiw ejft exceUcnc1e an9 .,~eaury ~of gq~ceJ_ the quod cr.edil gre~~ things t .}t <1~d bar ; r.ep.aFtd for ;:~~~:Zzer h1s (c:rv~n~ an:m_iotfellly dlf£eJ.Qed. judecemw, It is a no;able exprdlion of 1tromt &veriw ~od would have .fuch lla?i!ity offoith ~ ~::4~~ mus, that the thmg~ wh1ch we beleeve q~tam[enfibifhould be morecerrame to us, then rhe · lzaHzer~11 Y'!' t mgs we 1uJJ er; an t ~ t ungs .t~ope · or, nem iuex.ili- h . , r.,.n:. d h l . '- dfi I ep. a-d vzrgt.. fhould be in more reality with us then . um mijfam· things (enjibleto eu:,rhefe things are now Tom. 9· apprehended as re.:t.ll and certain thingst . although they be fuch thiogs,as the Apoftle faith, Eye k~lh ~ot feene, ~J_qreare ke~:.rd, neither h_g:£_e they entred_ in;o the 1 Cor. 2.. 9,. heart o[rf!Ap to con,ceiv!~ yet Goq hath re... \ 1 (j) VF~J~d rhem tg L~s by h~s S pirit"~venJhat Sptpt_thatft~€bcth tke de7.e t_hirJgs q{Gfd..: \ now ~~ere mu~~~ loll}ething in us to taKe th1s revctauon ofthe fpirit,and that isfaith. The Spirit reveales them not as fl 'J tio~)s, not as uncertain things,, and fo \ foith takes them. The Spirit of God fa_ies I:•;the~.., dos not write opinion,,b~ralferttons 10 our heart-s, morecertaine · · . · · then \ ~--,......__, -------------------