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ginary ~ontent~ents; tha~ hav~ no being,no foundanon;no cerr~tnty ~n them (as formerly h~th beene lhewed.J Fourth! y,, fiit~_gj.v~s th~fQJJl !Q. ttJ..... * t~rdlm God~~~fir~.ft,i~ ~1! t.~o~e glo-: .. · t~ous t!l.tng~mthe .. G~_f e1 .. a~d 10 t ~ . t li1n:!!.9f eternalJ~~fe. F 4ith~~ a appro.., ..,._...._ P!.!!.ntfJATP~~::JU ;ggrace. , _=-,.,,., .,.,,.~""=~ 1t 1~ a e thn~g 'c0]1~el>:~he lign,t of God, there is mud) power in it~ but to fee God in.hi~ glo~yl a .1JI G;d, ~pJ~~ , n ·:· all ~. be tf1aJ t fty ~ gre () ttietfe . ariagooC1'fie.{ of God, as rhofe things lhat my fonle hath an io rerefl Jn > to fee how the eter . - 0 1ll Counfds ofGod wroughr for met' to m.1ke mee happy, to fee Chrifl: in · wr om allfulndfedwels, in whom the : treafures of an Gods riches are, andail . rhofeare ~ine; to fee Chrificom~i ,g . I from the Fath\ r forme, to bemj R~·deemer, all this is the wor.ke of foith by the · union of it with God i,n J -fus C hrift. FAithunitesthefoufeto Chrift, aftera.. notbc:r manner then any other grace. , Love caufeth a moralJ and fpirltuall ~ union, but this caufeth a m yRical ur.i- · on; oth~r graces caufe us to be l ike tq , ·Chritl:, bu't this-makes us be on~ with . Chrift, and· fo have inter eft in what - t · Chrift i