Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Moles his Selfcnaenia!/. ' f l 7 comes rhen all i~ g9ne, a ad eh.~ foule { lhnds righteous \n the pr· fe ~~c<:" of G .'d; ! . arid all the breach betw"ene ~Qd and 1t · ismad~ up. . . · Being jti{Jif. ·d bJ f4ith. wee h.~ve peace withGru/ l f1y~ s aim P.t::J) Rom '·I Now the br-:.-ach being oi tJt u;>, 3-nd peace made, marke what f\)llow :s·a little after in that Scripture; there is riot ond y ability to l?eare trouble, but to re- ' I jojceintrzb ,;ll.tifms, y~a notondytore~ ; : • ioyce but to g~;r'J in trihuta:ienr . Strike { Ferz ~omt1 ' . · · ne,fr:rz, , LordjJrtke fa yes Luther) for I~~~ a!fol- nam a tect:a. ved{rorn my finnes. Now the foule haih tu .ab(ol;ttP~ got a greater good then the \YOrld ~a, fum. afford , and is freed front greater evils then the world can inflict. A man that bath be~ne with the Ktng~an~ gorten his · pardon for his life, is not troubled though he lofe his glove or handkerchiete as he comes· ont, nor though.k 1 -{hould prove a rainy day as h.e returnes home: cruel y rhe loffe of all things in the world to fuch a foule, if it hath faith acting; i6 but as the one, ·and the enduring ofall evils is but as tht otner. And befi :jes, by.thiS' the foule fees it fe'lfe fo·infinite! y engaged co~God1 ~as ir. ., L i · it --------~------...:;;._;..._r_- __ _..----~ \