Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

ly, and worke.moreJl:rongl.y upon tne will :1nd aff.:cbons, then things paR or · to come: If ! view a thing afarre of' it appeares fmal ro me, and little" ofwhat the thing is, isconceiv{"d by ·me: hut if it be brought neere ro me, I fee it to the tuH bigneffe and am better able to judge of the nature of the thing asitis. And againe, ir workes mort ftr,,gly upon my hearr: If i fee a toadt.! ;t gr~at way off,my ht--ardl:irrsnot;buttfi r~e it n~ere,as Ph4r~toh faw thefroggs trllf'1lJng up1nhubed,thr::.n my heart riC ~ wirh loa. thing of it. If 1ve could but fee thing' n9w,as God bath told us, they ih.aJ I appeare eo us hen after, how mightily would they wo1 kupon the {oule, how.. foever there are many things that thall, be fee ne hereafter, that y f.~ were never revealed, and thofe thingsf~it~cannot make as pre[ent: but fuch thipgs as God , hath revealed in his word,thatthey fuall bereafrercome to pafle, faith may, and when it is a~i ve doth make them lS pre.. fent to the foule,andworkesthem upon the l'lean,as if they did now appeare. 'f he want of this worke of f~tith is ' the caofe almoft of aU the' evill in the L 3 world