Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes· ·ha Setfe-deniail. LfJr4,ft'r his merc_y tffdures for tver.Chri{t faith f•f AbrahAm John 8. 56. that btftW, t~ndrejny . ed, andwMglari~· ( brJfisday '\vas ,nto him as 1t tt had beene rh !:O. A11din the I 3. verfe 0, f ti1is chapter, le is fai nofthegodlywh(, lived mformer a. gt's, rhat thought hey faw the promife~ ~hat were afarreoff to befuUilled, yet rl~~ the t·~~ fa yes, tiJey imhraced the~n; rhe l l'-~v.o: . 1 • 1 • \\·o!d "n the origit?~ l _.fignifies~ r.hcy fol¥- . ,.-~e~ · · .it~ , te~!;~m;now falutattonsare nor. but be- . : · tweene frie 1:~ ds when they meet rogc:- ' ther. To foith l thoufand yearc~ a~e but as one d4J, fw.h takes bold uponerernall l1fe. I 'Iim. ~. 19. Irtakcsprefentpoff~ffion of the glorious things of the . ~ it'l gdome ofGod: irmakes the fou,ero he in heaven conyeding with God, C htift, }lis Saints 1 and Angels ~lreat(y. ' T hat \~bich is promifed , _faith acCGUnts tt give11, Gen. 3).1z. And the land which !gave to .1hrAh411!J to thee. wi t IT give i::it was onely promiied to .A~r~h~~\ but A/;rrJhttms faith made it to him as given. · · So for judgments and threatnings, E" Jay I~. 6. HQwla ye fer the day oft he Lo~d.\ . iJ at hand: this is f po~en of the deftruth- ~ on