Mofes his Selft de11i4ll• ..___ __ on of 64,ylon which wasa hundrtd and fifry y~arc:s after~ but the word fpeakes . ot it as if it wer~ 116W, ahd f o foith apprehends it: the like wee mJy inftance ill many Scriptures, you know it is ordinary, and Y'JU\\ bo know the worke of faith , you know it is as ordinary for it, to look at that which God faies, as if it we(e now done, and. things feenc fo worke ftrongly. What difference is there betweene mens thoughts and judgments offpirituall and eternall things in times of health, 4nd ln tim(;s of their ficknelfe, in the apprehfenfion of death ·~ Aske . them new what they thinke of grace~ of a good confcience!' of the pardon of fin~ of walking fi:rial y with God ! Aske them now what their judgment is of Gods Saints~ A5ke them . what they thinkofeternall feperation from Gon, and the infiRite wrath ofa Deity forcyermore! now you fuall find their judg.. ments otherwife then formerly: and what is the reafon -of all? bUt · that things arejudgc:d nowaspre(ent . As de[p.~ire brings he11 into the foule, and puts the foule as it were into hc:ll · for