M.o[eshit· Se!fe-deniaU. -----~--· - --~ ---- " for the prc:fenr, the foolc apprt·hends as ifitwercoalr~ad~·· there: ,· any in the hor- .. rour ofr.hei1· fpirirs have ' rved out that they · Nere in heH~· Fr.uzcil fpirll in the · defpaite of his fou le cry ·dour, verily defp~ration is hel ·~i . fdf. ~o on the.cmt!ary ,faith brings hea ·ten into rhr !nu le pu+:.itasit wer~ int•) beavtrr, fo that, rnan-y of Gods pef';p fe up~) n their fick bedsJ whc:n thew have bt.en put inminde 0f heaveri, they have f . '~yfully a Jwered ~ rhat they were in ·heaven alrudy. · Faith· likewife:makes uft of things · .paft, :.lS if they were prefent as the ancient mer&iet of God !hewed ro O ~i r foefathers, and Gods:formerdealings with :ourfelves. AsH~fu, z1.. 4themercyof God to Iacob, when he wreftled with himand prevailed, rhe Church makes .ufe ofit, as if it were a prden t mercy ro themfelves, for fo faith the text. he had p1werover the Angel, and prevailtd; he , -wept_and mt~de fopplication ttntD him; he I fo•nd him in Bethel,andthere beefpakc with 111: noc only with lacoh, but w_ith m: . whatfoever mercy_God fhewe6 !O hi,n, we make it our~, as if God were fpeaking · Withus,and Pfot.66.6.Hetllfnedthefoa into ------ - ---..---------- .