Mofes hil Selfi-t!tNiAll• 1)7 fully fi:rengthenthe heart to any fervice od uffering : As defPaire makes·all Gods former d~alings in his judgements with others, and Gods wayes concerning it fe\fe, a5 prefent to ferch terr..1r from them ~ fo Faith Gods oHercies, to fetch comfort and ftrength fr . m them. Secondly, F aitb is a rafing grace, it ;. carrks the foule on high, above fenfe, abovereafon ~ ahove theworld: wh~n Faith is working., oh how-is the' foule raifed, a~ove the feares 4nd favours of men! Itisfaid of Iehofophat, z chron.17· 6. H11 heart WM lift Hp in, the wa_yes b/ NibilviftbiGDd: Failh hfrs up the heart i ~l the waies lium moror, ofGod. A man rai led fi>n high fees all n~h~l invifi- • . ' btltum, ut thmgs under h1m as fma l.ES~(ebimtels us Ie{um chriof a notable fpeech that Ign4titU ufed, ftum ~cq~ih h . h. . h d ram,tgnH~ W en e WaS tn IS enemteS an S t not crux; iucurIong before he was tofuffer)which argu- t~ ~eft~a- . ed a raifcd fpirit to a wonder tull heiPht r~tn~mdiffipa- . t tto oJJ.u.m~ : above tfue world, and above hlmfdt. convulfio I care (fa yes he) for nothing vifible or m~brorum ~ invifible that I n1ight get Chrift : let :~~:~:!~: fire,the croffe, rhe letting out ofbeafts t~o,acfupp.l~ · upon' breaking of my bones, thetea- ceadtabolzzn: meveniant, ·ring of my members, the grinding of modo Ie{um my whole body, and the torments of Chriftumac- · h ljuiram. Eut e fcb.t.~ . .