!hikes . _If F11itb bv railing the-foule above re4fon and fonfe' _ can carry it through_ even fuch !heights, as the fenfeand apprchenfion of the wrath ofGod hifOfdfe:if ircan C"n!.tb1c ro brare theftrok~s ~f God, wher1 they appeare as the - 'ftrokes of an enemy, n'luch more ealil X 'can faith enable to refifr the temptations ofrhe wor!d,andtocarry it through all the firaights thacany outward atflttion~ can bring it to. All thefirength thac the temptations chat come from rhe alluretnencs of tbe world, or the troubles that .. ,; ·~ . it threarens, have, it is fromfin{eand ciJr- __ ntillreal(lnitJf1'S if the {oule be,oot above Fi~cs H~cnthe~}hen it is above the dan;er of fuch,, ~~,~~~~tar~ t~mprations: by that magnanimity tqat lhurzv#.e· Faith brings into the foole it is prepar- t~rzncredu .. • _ . _ • )... , lw.J e~ to fee upon dltncult thmgs,to endure thong op.p'~fitions. A beleever is one, whom neither pov~.rty' nor death, nor bonds; nor any outward evils can· terrifie. · . . - .fi!!!.em.ne~ue ptupmes, neque mor.r, 11eq~ e, vincuta:tm•enti Thir~Uy,Faith.isa_purify!ngandheal- _ 3 • inggr4ce, .Afl.x S-·9·~11rifyingthfir bearts 6y F 4i~h~ It purges out bafe'defi res after . ' the thin3s ofthe_world, and living at 1 M ·: } · t-!l.f('"·.