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174 Mofes hiJ SelfdeniJl. - where ·.the graces of Gods Spirit are · ,lively and aCtive, the allurements and thr~at~ of the World cannot much prevaile,. . ' ' 1~- . Fifthly, Faith is a· mighty pre'f.Jailing · UA'ewith GodandwithJefusChrift,as . iti4i faid of:fncob, Gtn. 31. z·8. he.pre'tl~il~ · ed.rvith God 4-IA Prhtce, Lt~therwas a man full ef fai •h, and it was faid ofbim, Ht1ec 'lotuit qui'- CDNld dDe what bee would._ Faith fets all · qHid vo~uit. e: Gods att r ibute~ on worke,~or the good, :_ and reliefe ofabeleever : it fiirres, as I 'l1ay fo fay, the arme ofan infin;te pow- · er; it opens the au,e thar lets out the 'areames of an infinite mercie, and eau~ · tes an iQ_finite wifdotne robe adiv... , to, finde out waycs to. relitve in timeofdi- ,ftrdles; it brings-i nall t be fi:rcngth and ~ood of the New Covenant : when · Faith workes, ~cfus C hr~ is working, ro make good ail.the grac1ous promifes of the _Gofpcl, and bee is the Mtghty. _ God, wonder fuH'j Coun&elloHr, tche 1ri1SCe of pe~ce • Fai1 h does not firengthen the -foule in a way ot fuffering , by its owne fi:rength , but by. the itr(ngth "hat it: bringeth in fromJefus Chrift, Rev. I 2. ~ 1 {.The Saints overcame hy the Bl~od ofthe , Lamhe•.