Mofes hil Stlfe-deniA,IJ· ' . . . Fir1t ;~here is ·a ·conq~Jerifig ot';thc ~Jfit/#ti ofibeworld, .Jo a$ they can doe us no. burr, but we ateable to repell.theforce of.rhein. .. . ..\ ...·• .. ·~ . Buc,this is~otaU, .therei~foptething · furtb(:r:namel y the making ufe ot thofe thingsofthe world for our good, that would pave undone us, that is a full vidorie, where the enemies doe not Qridy refill and brcake backe, but he brings ~ , the conquered inco bondage, Jo as now · he is able to ufe the adverfary ro fe rve his owr:e t ·une: fo in this 'Pnquefi: of fatth, ~her is not or.ely an overcomming ofthe tempt 1tions, ofthe ple~fur,.s of the world, but abilirie to ufe them for God, .and the fQrtheranceJOf our owne r goop. And fo in l'iches and honour$: . Conquerours doe not ufe to put to thf" [word and defiroy all they conque_r,but they bring them bondage, . to b~ · ferv icable to them.- -- ·· '· Some thinkethc:rc is no oth~r viCtory overthc world, but t0 thtow all a~ay p·e(ently:as we rcade of Crates "he Pbi~ · lofoph~r, h~e cafi hisgoods into the fea · with this fpc.ech ,, Get 'fiN gone i~to the deepes., l wi/1 dro~ne J(}ll, left I be atdwne1 1 M 4 11 ~. . . 1J"'!fi'*f ~ ' --