Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

, Applicatl.. P~· ~ ' - \ pl~s of I,ti•n. who·at tpc to'rmenting.of .ft!4rcm: J3iiliop o( AJ.~~ht~(a , faid unto hi m, WtAre;a.fham!4 Q Emperour, the C hri- . 1fii~l'~S Jal~Jil 4t yeur §t.ttflt:J. , _alfld grow the !pJore rt(qlute~: R:t'JJ ., 1 2 .• u ·' It is faid of the ~~aints ,, t~ey loved nDi:.t£heir lives t/J the ·deAth, and.,y~t th -y 11verc4me, they over.. . came in being k i lled~ . a_Qd Fhis is, t9 be , ~ore ~bc.na conquerotu. . · , . , i·"l['H{'~; ·I . ,· ,1· ••• i1 ~:) ,· . t. :J liJ ~ c H A f • I~~ X I. .. ~ - . . :· N'.{J men •re flrang~rs to .thu preciim F 1-ith; The TryaO thereof iift~'f!tred~ I F this be the work~. ofF Aith; i~ theli.e · be .the glorious ttfetl:s of ic ~· t ben hence the faith o.f t~e moft.men in,.tbe world is.difcoverdnot tc . be righr,not to be. precious faith , that faith that. is th.e faith of G0ds de et, becaufe it is altogether void of this vertue and efficacie ; you think you have faith, what.canyou doe with your fai th ~ what ppwer? what dfi r ~cie harh it r: can it draw your hearts off from all creatures here be. low '! can k rai!e your fpi rjtsabovc all t~e ~c~ight$, h9nou.r~ ~ profits of the world~,