' ' .. \. t xs4 ' Mofes hiiStlf~-Jenial{. · , _ he. ~anl;>e . {ol)er ·, ·and temperate, juU'in hhis_ c~l~io~~· uptigh~ in ~ll his dealings, ~~ _ a~~ 1n; ht~ ?od y, hberall to the poore; -w}1y-'! otditi.ary Heath fins eau doe this, they wer~ .as' temp~rat~, flsjuft ) as &hAft!, as liberal! a.~ .ydu, there needs nd foith for - this \It is enongh for a man robe a rationall man to· doe this, ,faith murl: have ·higher operations then re~(on, or dfe it will never carry tO Heaven~ . ' . Bltt \vhat ifit ddes not enable thee tb doe as n1.udt' as a be aft can doe ~ as to be temperate in meates ~nd drink~s', what kinde offaith doe you think this is·when there are fuch glorious things faid bf Fa~tb, and yet that fa lth you have, can~ not enable }'o'u to doe fo much gobd a~ there is in a beaff, will this faith {ave you'! Wh at ifit does not enable you to <:foe fo much as the Devils foith ~ tt.ey beleeve, and tremble; the.re are many things concerning God, in his infiaite juflkC', hol~neffe, wrath, rhany things· concerning finne, co·ncerning Chrift,.. concerning eternity· tha't they b~leeve, which thou beleevdt not; ·or 1f th'OU . faydl: thou daft be1eeve, yet thou doll:' ' tlOC .tr~lrible, but goeft Oil bodly, fee - I Cl~t.