Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

mongifts,-there -mutl:-flet;as be_ the l~afi:: No; God dorh notdifperifetnisglor1~ , ous grjce ofF air h accqrdin·g to this pro~ p )rtion :-Notmany wi{e1 1fl~t r»ll11J learned, !Jut God cbtljethth~po8re in this JtJorl4ttJbe _ rich in Faith. When tbe glorious Myfi:eri :- s ofche Gofp~l ate hid from the wifo . if the world" even ~he.n are they reveAled t1th~(t t~llt Arc BAIIes. Gods w:1yes have ufually b~en, to choofc weJk aod contemptib le th~ngs to honou r. himPdfby, thJ~t the glory of his grace ~nd P''wer mtght th~ m or~ app;:~rc; and bath not fo ordinarily made ufe of men of great part~, that have been emine~t a t~ d _g1ori· ous 1n the world , becaufe 10 rh e rn tl}e graceofGod wouli notb~ fomuch,hoaourtd , fome of the honour would flick to them. . ~. Confider fecondly, if the example of thefe men were the ground of your profcffioa of Re:igion,thentbdr fallin.g off might jull:ly bee your difcouragem ~nt: but if you had better grounds, if the eyidence, the bea~ty, the authority, the power of, and love -unto the· Truth, were your grounds; then your grounds remaining, and the, Tru\h being the N 3 fatne