Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes his Selfe-Jet~i&ll. agai.na: .him) wiu be infinitely greater I tberi any he can futfcr,yet it there be no~ a true' love to the truth, there . is · ~ohold , ' ofthis man, his 'corrupt hea~t w-ill· break all the bond~ofconfcience~ ·· ,. Nintl1 Jy ,'when men truR: to their 1 ""n promJ{ertbey make to Gad, to ftand ·. for his truth, morethen to G~tlspr~mi(es, ' that promife frrength ~o <'nab le: themto it; they areconndent, becaufe they are refolved they fh~ll goe through, and fo Whymens 1 ownguilt ~ .... let the promife of God lye,and makeno ufe of it~ now thcfe refolutions are not like tocarry men through :fufferings;at leafr not in agracious manner. Firll, becaufc they are but n4tura8, and naturall frrengrh can carry no fur. ther then it hatb natur.11l props anJ fuccours to uphold it,and maintain it with ..· all,which may all faile in fome kinde of fuffering that God may call ·unto. Secondly, there is much difference in mens appre;hedion from themfel ves; at one time they apprehend things ftrongl y one way; at another time another way; efpecially when thingscome to be prefent ~ their apprehenfions of the: m are ~arrc: different from that they ___ ·-·--·--- were, will not car• ry them • throngla godly ruffe• rings. I.